Friday, June 5, 2009


For those who were not there...

The service began with the song, "Families Can Be Together Forever". My dad's brother, Peter Rona, said the opening prayer. Following was a special number by dad's nieces & nephews. They sang "Ani Ben Elohim" which is "I am a Child of God" in Hebrew. Our name, Rona actually used to be Rosenthal. My grandfather changed it during the Holocaust, 1- because it was an obvious Jewish name & not safe during the war and 2- he was a stage actor & in a band & Rona was a better stage name. The nieces & nephews then went straight into "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus." This song is very special to us as it is the same song we sang at my grandmother's funeral (my dad's mom).

My dad's sister, Edie Smart, then told some heart warming stories about my dad & his character. "He wasn't a perfect man, but he was a good man."

Then my dad's younger sister, Lily Pearson, gave the performance of a lifetime. She played "Rustles of Spring" on the piano & was overcome by emotion, as we all were. I don't know how she managed to play the whole song with her eyes closed & tears streaming down her face. She said that she felt my dad helping her through the entire song. It was unbelievable!

I then spoke about my dad & shared some stories of his strength, sense of humor & spirituality.
"He knows what it means to endure to the end & his faith has carried him through his tough times. He has stacks of notes with spiritual messages & lessons & I am impressed with his determination & efforts to continue to learn. One quote he had in his office was by President Marion G. Romney. It says,

“I have seen the remorse and despair in the lives of men who, in the hour of trial, have cursed God & died spiritually. And I have seen people rise to great heights from what seemed to be unbearable burdens. “Finally, I have sought the Lord in my own extremities and learned for myself that my soul has made its greatest growth as I have been driven to my knees by adversity & affliction.”

It’s easy to rise when things are good & fall when things are hard, but my father taught me to shine through the storm. When I think of the apostle Peter walking on water, I think of his faith & trust in the Lord. But as soon as he heard the wind & saw the waves, he started to sink. He lost his faith because he lost his focus. Our focus on Christ brings us back. My dad would constantly remind me to focus as I would get distracted with my own worries & fears."

Of course, I added in some funny stories like when he jumped out of a swing & did a belly flop onto the sand or when he would not let go of the rope water skiing (even though he was riding on his stomach with the ski behind him & there was no way humanly possible to get up!) Now he IS actually VERY coordinated but he was not willing to give up even if he fumbled.
I then sang, "Think of Me" & "One Moment in Time". Years ago he mentioned he wanted "One Moment in Time" at his funeral & Phantom of the Opera was constantly played when I would visit. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do & the most amazing spiritual experience of my life.

Then my brother-in-law, Spencer Brundage spoke about my dad's example & how he has made such a difference in his life. Next, was a special musical number. Rich Elggren, Wayne Day, Jeff Angerbauer, & Jim Wilhelm sang, "I Need Thee Every Hour" (accompanied by Laure Rona- daughter in law). This was the last song that my dad ever played here on earth. He was on his way home from this rehearsal when the accident happened. The spirit was so strong during this number.

Then my brother, Cassidy Rona, spoke. He recently had a baby boy named Joshua & told of his perspective of seeing birth & death. "Birth & death are like the opening and closing songs of life." He also shared his experience about dressing my dad for the service & said, "I was dressing a King." It was powerful & touching.

Bishop Greig Huggins then shared his remarks. He felt that through this tragedy we could learn in greater detail about the Plan of Salvation & be strengthened by our faith. He is an amazing man that has helped us beyond description.

The next special musical number was arranged & performed by John Rona. It was the hymn, "Be Still My Soul" which happens to be mine & my husband's favorite. It was recorded on my Iphone on April 18th, 2009 without my dad even knowing. I am so grateful that I was able to capture that amazing moment & share it with you.

We closed the service with, "Abide With Me Tis Eventide". This is my "Meme's" favorite him (my dad's grandmother) & then my uncle Paul said the closing prayer. As the pallbearers carried the casket out, classical music played by my dad was heard overhead.

My dad was definitely there & it felt nice to dedicate everything to him.
John Michel Rona will never ever be forgotten & will live on in all of us who know him.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has said such kind things about my dad & who have added their comments of hope & strength & wisdom. I have learned so much about my dad over the past 25 days. It was very apparent at the viewing & at the funeral, that he has had such a huge impact on so many lives & will continue to make a difference in our lives for years to come.

As our family walked into the chapel, it was surreal & touching to see so many faces of those who love our dad. It warmed my heart to see the chapel & overflow full & many extra chairs being brought out to make room to honor such a great man.

He is a man of service, spiritual strength, kindness, talent, wisdom, & love. He has a brightness about him that I can still feel shining on in everything he has touched & in everyone he has met. I am overwhelmed at the effect he has had on others & will live my life striving to follow his example.

The stories many of you shared about him at the viewing were so dear to all of us. If you have any more, please do not hesitate to share them. You can send them directly to if you would like. Also, let me know if you would like me to send you two of the songs we have recorded of him playing the piano. They are amazing!